Let’s Dream,
Where do you see yourself in ten years? Do you see yourself working from home? Do you see yourself at the top of a Fortune 500? Do you see yourself getting out of your private jet and into your very own Rolls-Royce? Why not? What is wrong with dreaming?
A long time ago, Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a world-renowned psychologist, was asked a simple question: “What is wrong with man?”. The good doctor stood for a moment to think and replied, “Man today doesn’t think.” The interviewer was puzzled for a moment because of this simple and blatant answer from this doctor and asked, “What do you mean?”
The brilliant doctor stood for a moment and said, “Man conform.” Everybody is thinking like everybody else. A celebrity on television says and does something, and everybody follows. Millions of people buy the same product that is endorsed by a celebrity, and why? They don’t know why. They just do.
Now let’s take a simple word for the dictionary: “disservice.” Which the dictionary describes as “harmful or injurious service; an ill turn.” So, if we take the word “disability,” we can deduce from the dictionary that a disabled individual is someone who causes harm to himself and others? Well, if we get over the emotional rage from reading Mr. Webster’s dictionary, we discover that indeed it’s true.
In some cases, disabled people do hurt themselves and others because they lack the necessary skills to lead a full, independent life. Here at Weave Solutions, we help you achieve that; we teach you how to lead a normal life with minimum support, and we help the people in your life navigate through the obstacles that you will face. Nobody likes to go through life alone, so why would you?
Our skilled caseworker will teach you how to become independent, be your own person, and provide you with the necessary tools and skills to overcome all the obstacles and challenges that you will face throughout your life.
So let’s work together and create something amazing!
Employment Services and Vocational Training
One of our priorities is to help individuals find and maintain employment, we provide job training, resume assistance, and interview coaching as well as job coaching to assist the new hires adjust to their job environments. This way our clients are ready to join the workforce and they will succeed in all their future endeavors.